MUFN Policy on Non-discrimination, Network Management and Interconnects
The MUFN project will offer wireline services via fiber optic strands consistent w/ the NTIA BTOP NOFA non-discrimination & network interconnection obligations found at http://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2009/07/09/E9-16268/broadband-initiatives-program#h-49
(Section V.C.2.c).
MUFN supports ubiquitous and pervasive network access that is open and affordable using open, standard protocols. MUFN supports network neutrality and will not limit, restrict, prioritize or otherwise hinder system users’ access to any lawful Internet content, applications or services of their choice except for reasonable system preservation purposes (e.g. security events). Rather, we offer services on a best effort basis with all services subject to the legal needs of law enforcement.
System users, at their full expense, will be permitted to connect their choice of hardware to dark fiber strands, provided such hardware does not adversely affect the use by and/or electronic or optronic equipment of other system users.
UW-Madison operates a local, settlement-free peering exchange called Madison Internet Exchange or MadIX (https://kb.wisc.edu/ns/page.php?id=6636 for details for details). Service providers are invited to interconnect at layer 2 with 1 or 10Gbps Ethernet to both UW-Madison and to each other to improve community Internet service. Fourteen networks currently participate in this data exchange. MUFN system users can directly interconnect to service providers at their own expense (e.g. fiber jumpering) and effort.
MUFN commits to providing wholesale access to network components (e.g. dark fiber) via a City of Madison agreement with CityNet, LLC d/b/a Mad City Broadband (MCB). MCB will negotiate business arrangements, capacity limits, reasonable financial terms, and technical conditions for interconnect with requesting commercial parties while MUFN shall work with not-for-profit entities. MUFN agrees to submit to binding arbitration if such negotiations were to reach an impasse.
Other MUFN system interconnection and network management practices include:
- Users must pay all initial and ongoing costs to connect to MUFN facilities
- System users can request interconnect at MUFN system manholes, handholes, identified interconnection “wire serving or termination” locations and other splice points as determined by MUFN and designated in the course of negotiation
- MUFN may route system user fiber through its facilities at MUFN’s sole discretion, provided such routing does not materially impact system user’s use of facilities
- System users shall execute a separate agreement with reasonable terms and conditions for interconnection of MUFN facilities with a 3rd party facilities
- MUFN, with 120 day notice and minimized disruption to system user, may at its sole option and full expense, substitute fiber on any fiber segment(s) or portions thereof with an equal number of alternative fiber of like quality and specifications without impact to other portions of an existing agreement
- MUFN or its agents will be responsible for performing all “One Call” cable locates and fiber restoration activities and provide notification to system users via a 24×7 NOC